Friday, October 28, 2011

Signs of Cheating Online - Know What They Are

There are a countless number of unfaithful people that have promised their love in a committed relationship with another person through either a marriage or other long-term relationship. What is hard for many of us to understand is how people like this can feel as if there is no problem at all with secretly exploring various areas of the web that they fully intend to lead to a situation of online infidelity. Are you suspicious that this is exactly what your partner is doing? Do you even know what the signs of cheating online are?

In this day and age it is a good idea for every person to learn what the signs of cheating are, especially when there is an Internet connection in the home. A few of the most common warning signs that online infidelity could be occurring in your relationship would include the following:

-You partner quickly turning off the computer every time that you enter the room
-Noticing that the web browsing history has been erased when you get on the family computer
-Your spouse or partner is spending a lot more time online, especially during the late night hours while you are asleep
-You have noticed your partner's passwords have changed, when at one time this was shared information between the two of you

There are several other signs of cheating on the Internet that would be wise to become educated on if your partner has a history of cheating, or if you have noticed that things just do not feel right in your relationship any longer.

Another wise step to take is to consult with professional investigators that are experienced in performing online infidelity investigations. By supplying an expert investigator with the suspected cheater's email address, you can soon learn about any social networking sites like Facebook that your partner may be cheating on. You will also be supplied with detailed information concerning any escort, fetish, porn, swinger, and cam sites that your spouse may be registered on. An online infidelity investigation is the perfect way to get to the bottom of any signs of cheating your partner has been showing while they are surfing the Internet.

It is important in this day and age to realize that there are several different signs of cheating that pertain to the Internet and you certainly need to know exactly what they are so you can stay watchful of the warning signs.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Woman Fights Charge Over Fake Facebook Page

MORRISTOWN, N.J. - Lawyers for a New Jersey woman say the state's identity theft law doesn't apply to allegations that she created a fake Facebook profile about her ex-boyfriend.
Dana Thornton, 41, faces up to 18 months in prison if convicted.
Authorities allege the Belleville resident created a Facebook page as if it was written by her former boyfriend, Parsippany police Detective Michael Lasalandra, after they broke up.
The Daily Record reports Thornton's lawyer, Richard Roberts, claims while his client may have violated Facebook rules, there is no law in New Jersey against creating a profile of anyone online.
Morris County prosecutors say even though the ID theft law doesn't mention the Internet, Thornton's action harmed her ex-boyfriend's reputation.
Lasalandra declined comment.
A hearing is scheduled for Nov. 2.

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Retrieve Deleted Text to Uncover Your Spouse Or Partners Sext Messages

If you found out that your husband was sending sext messages to another woman, or if your wife was texting another man, would you consider it as cheating? Different people have a completely different view on this subject. Some people believe this type of communication is cheating, especially when their partner or spouse has committed to a relationship with them alone. However, there are some individuals that think sexting is nothing more than playful, innocent conversation. If you caught your spouse sexting, the best way to make the decision on whether it is cheating or not would be to retrieve deleted text and sext messages from their cell phone and decide for yourself.

Cell phones have made it so easy to communicate with family, friends, co-workers, partners, and even individuals that a person is having an affair with. When you're unsure if messages your spouse has deleted are actually sext messages, the best thing to do is consult a professional to retrieve deleted text and sext messages from their phone. Regular text and sext messages are only a few types of data that can be recovered. Other information that can be obtained includes names and numbers of contacts, caller ID, videos, pictures and graphics, time and length of the calls that have been made and received, and various other forms of retrievable data.

When this type of investigation is done, it can often ease the mind of partners that feel sure their spouse is cheating behind their back, only to find out their partner is innocent of their suspicions. There are also times when a spouse feels strongly that their husband or wife would not cheat on them, only to find they have been engaging in infidelity for a very long time. Even if a person is simply taking part in innocent flirting, in many cases it has been known to turn into full fledged cheating. When you have questions or suspicions in the back of your mind about the activities of your spouse or partner, an expert investigator can retrieve deleted text and sexting messages from their cell phone and give you the detailed information that can easily answer your suspicions.

When you contract with a private investigator to retrieve deleted text and sexting messages, you will generally receive detailed information of the data that was recovered in about 24 hours. The great part is all you have to do is send your partners cell phone to the expert and they will take care of the rest.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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